Why Did Instagram Take Down My Post? Understanding Meta's Stance on Sponsored Content Featuring Alcohol

Why Did Instagram Take Down My Post? Understanding Meta's Stance on Sponsored Content Featuring Alcohol

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, influencers and content creators often find themselves facing unexpected challenges. Recently, our team at Simply Social Media has encountered a recurring issue with Meta, Instagram's parent company, removing sponsored content published by the influencers we work with without clear explanations. After numerous frustrating experiences and extensive research, we've identified a common thread – alcohol.

The High Cost of Low Quality: How Buying Instagram Followers Diminishes Your Account's Reach

Instagram Analytics Showing how buying fake instagram followers diminishes your account reach and performance

As a professional influencer marketing agency, we are well aware of the dangers of buying Instagram followers. Sure, it may seem like a great idea at the time - you get an instant boost of followers, and you can use those numbers to show your influence. However, this practice can be extremely harmful to your account in the long run.

When you buy Instagram followers, you are not only paying for fake accounts, but you are also inviting a whole host of problems. Not only do these followers not interact with your posts, but they can also make it difficult for your actual, legitimate followers to engage with your content. Additionally, if the followers you have purchased are bots, they can be flagged by Instagram, resulting in a decrease in your overall reach and engagement.

At our agency, we prefer to work with influencers who have a minimum of 80% authentic followers. This means that their followers are real people who actively engage with their content and add value to their brand. If you have purchased followers in the past, or if you have a lower follower quality due to bots or people who stopped using their accounts, we recommend removing those followers to improve your overall follower quality. If you are going to go this route, be sure to do so slowly as this could flag your account to Instagram as well. (More on this here.)

At the end of the day, buying followers can be a fast and easy way to get a quick boost in followers. However, it’s important to remember that this could have detrimental effects on your account in the long term. Investing your time in building a real community and gaining quality followers is the best way to ensure that your influencer marketing campaigns are successful.

The Real Deal: How to Weed Out Inactive, Fake, or Bot Instagram Followers to Improve Your Follower Quality Percentage

The Real Deal: How to Weed Out Inactive, Fake, or Bot Instagram Followers to Improve Your Follower Quality Percentage

Removing inactive, fake or bot Instagram followers is an important task to maintain the health of your account and ensure that your audience consists of real, organic followers. It can be tempting to want to quickly remove all fake followers at once, but this can actually cause more harm than good. Instagram has algorithms to detect sudden, drastic changes in the number of followers, which can result in your account being flagged.

How to Use Instagram Collabs


Imagine a future where Instagram releases features that actually help your posts get seen. A future where instead of battling the algorithm, you can increase engagement and audience reach with minimal effort. Hold on tight friends, this isn’t sci-fi, this is actually happening! It’s all possible with Instagram Collabs! 

The new Instagram Collab feature allows you to co-create a piece of content with another account. That means that both accounts are listed as publishers of the post, and the post shows up on both account feeds. Just like that, you get twice the audience! 

You can use the Collab feature on images and Reels so you aren’t limited in the type of content you create. You can keep doing your thing, but now you get to rock it with friends! We have a handy video on our Instagram page that shows you how to do it, but essentially all you have to do is toggle to the “Tag People” section and invite a collaborator when creating the post. That person accepts the invitation, and then it is published on their feed as well. Easy! 

Currently, you can only “Collab” with one other account but we hope they expand this soon. If you’re someone who partners with brands or businesses, this is going to be an incredible feature for you! Giveaways, for instance, just got exponentially easier—no more tallying entries from multiple posts, now it’s all in one place. Creator, business, and personal accounts can all access this feature, so it’s accessible to everyone on Instagram. 

In the spirit of collaboration, we took a much-needed break from our laptops to get outside and get creative. After using Lightroom for editing our photos and Google Keep for drafting up our caption ideas, we created a post on Instagram. For this experiment, Caitlin was the originator of the post, meaning she started the post then invited Amy to Collab. All she had to do was tag Amy in the post, and then the option to invite her to collaborate popped up. Exceptional ease of use!

We learned a few important lessons when it comes to using Instagram Collabs. Here’s what we found: 

  1. It does matter who originates the post. Only the originator can edit the post after it has been published, and the collaborator will not be automatically notified of any changes. 

  2. In addition, whoever starts the post will be the first name in the byline, regardless of where you’re viewing the post. In the area by the caption, only their name will appear. 

  3. Yep, still talking about the originator: while both accounts can see the specific post insights, only the OG gets “credit” for it in the overall Insights. ⁠

  4. While the reach, impressions, and engagement are calculated from both accounts, “profile insights” are limited to what happens on the OG’s profile. These include new followers, email button taps, and profile visits. ⁠

  5. Given this info, it is super important who you decide to collaborate with! Do think carefully about who you partner with as you don’t want to lose control of your aesthetic and voice.

  6. If you are using this feature for a brand partnership, you must still use the branded content partner tools and FTC language to disclose the relationship. ⁠

How will YOU be using the new Collab feature? We’re excited by the endless possibilities and the opportunity to have some creative fun that also boosts engagement and reach!  

Productivity Tips: AKA an Exercise in Boundaries

We know how to be productive, now if someone can teach us how to keep our desks this clean that would be great!

We know how to be productive, now if someone can teach us how to keep our desks this clean that would be great!


Schedule blocking. Those apps that stop you from opening tabs. Advanced email organization. The pomodoro method (helpful yes, but also extremely fun to say). If you’re an entrepreneur who seamlessly manages to get everything done without feeling overwhelmed, distracted, or out of balance, call us and tell us everything! For the rest of us, it takes some tactics to find the best way to crush our to-do lists while maintaining healthy, happy lives. Some productivity tips have completely changed our games, so we’re excited to share those with you in hopes that they may do the same for you. But before we dive in, we’d like to point out the essential, underlying theme in all of these tips: good ol’ boundaries. 

Whatever method helps you accomplish what you need to do for work, know that what you’re essentially doing is protecting your time and mental space. It took us some time, some help (shoutout to our business/life coach Justine Duran!), and some practice to implement strategies that help us be the most efficient and super boss versions of us, but we’re on a roll! Setting boundaries in your work, whether you’re an entrepreneur or working from home (or both!), is the superlative method for taking care of yourself while taking care of business, because we truly believe you can’t have the latter without the former. Alright, let’s do this!

Prep for the week. Let’s start out with Monday. Before diving into the week with your head to the ground, start off by looking at your calendar and getting an overall view of what’s ahead. Need to prep for meetings? Have any assignments due? Plan out, in whatever way works for you, when you’ll do what’s necessary to have the smoothest work week possible. This helps minimize any feelings of “when I am going to get to that!” by taking even just 15 minutes to say “I’ll do this at X time.” Easy, now you know when you’ll get it done! Our favorite part of this exercise? Planning when we’re going to do creative work, and protecting that time with all our might. Even if it doesn’t result in more answered emails (a questionable meter of accomplishment anyway, if you ask us), creative time is what makes our brains function and thrive in order to do everything else. Creative time is our fuel, so yes, it absolutely gets at least an hour today. We would totally include a photo of what our calendar looks like, but we don’t want to stress you out with how busy our lives are!

Set the stage for what people can expect. Whether it’s with colleagues or clients, it’s important to let those you work with know how often and when they can look forward to hearing from you. Do you utilize your email footer? It’s the perfect space to say how you do things, automatically, with every email. We let people know when they can expect to hear a response: we check email once in the morning, and once in the afternoon, so we’ll respond accordingly. Boom! Your clients have been communicated to, your boundaries have been maintained, and with a quick automation, you’ve set up what people can reasonably anticipate. 

Easily set expectations and boundaries in your email footer.

Easily set expectations and boundaries in your email footer.


Schedule your emails! Gone are the days of sending emails at 10 pm—it’s time to say hello to scheduled emails. We’re not suggesting you work at strange hours, but if part of your most successful schedule involves getting work done after the kids have gone to bed, or you find the calmest before sunrise - we get it! You you are working off hours, you can set your responses to a time that feels respectful, and let’s be real, makes you seem on top of your game at 8 am on a Monday! 


Be your own cheerleader. Are you starting to wonder if this is a productivity tip blog or a self-care blog? To be honest, it’s both, because they go hand in hand. So in order to have the juice to get through your to-do list, pat yourself on the back. Again. And again. Working from home, being an entrepreneur, being an adult in a wild world, we don’t always get the extra push of support that we actually need. But there’s always one person around to provide it: ourselves. So don’t skimp on the self-love: you need it, we all do we. Here, we’ll start you off: none of this is easy, you rule, keep up the good work! 


Skip saying sorry, start saying no. Free up your typing time by getting straight to what you need to say, and start saying what you mean. So many of us apologize for a delayed response, but a lot of the time it starts the email off on the wrong foot. Everyone takes a long time to respond sometimes, it’s just how it is! If you do want some sort of intro, “Thanks for your patience” can be a good alternative. And speaking of typing time, do you know what takes less time to say than “yes?” “No!” Once we stopped committing to things that didn’t actually jive with our work, we felt so empowered, which is such an energizing place to work from. 

We’d love to hear what your productivity tips are and if any of these work for you! Remember that even if you work alone, you’re not alone in figuring out how to achieve the fabled idea of balance—we’re all in this together!

2021 Social Media Image Guide and Tech Specs

2021 Social Media Image Guide and Tech Specs

One of the biggest differences between a good social media account and a great social media account comes down to one simple concept: follow through. You’ve thought about your branding and campaigns, you’ve collected your visual media, but it’s not over yet. The very necessary step to doing your hard work justice is making sure your imagery adheres to size and resolution guidelines. You know when you go to a Facebook page and the cover image is pixelated and half the text doesn’t show? That’s not gonna be you, nope, no way. While we wish we could all wave a wand and abracadabra our way to perfectly formatted images for all the varying platforms, the social media gods have a different plan in mind. Luckily we have the latest specs for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to make sure you succeed in posting the glorious, perfectly sized images you deserve.

Activate Your Online Community to Create Campaigns that Convert!

Activate Your Online Community to Create Campaigns that Convert!

Learn how to build campaigns that rally your community while promoting your business and creating brand advocates. Through strategic use of Instagram tools, you can incentivize audiences to become active participants in your campaigns, resulting in greater reach, meaningful conversations, and increased growth.

When Instagram’s latest feature, Guides, became available to all users, Simply Social Media started to experiment with how to utilize it for our community while getting some extra points with Instagram. A handy rule of thumb is that anytime a social platform releases a new feature or enhancement, they want to see your account use it. Quite often, early adopters will even be rewarded by the algorithm for testing it out.

Our @simplysantafenm Instagram account promotes and supports our local community, so we utilized the new Guides feature to highlight our community through various Santa Fe-themed Guides.