Is Your Social Ready to Reopen?

Is Your Social Ready to Reopen?

Hello world, it’s been a minute. Actually, it’s been a year! As businesses throughout the country start to reopen in various states after over a year of COVID-19-related closures, it’s finally time to come back to life! Dust off your shelves and dust off your social, we want to help you prepare your business for a smooth, successful, and clearly communicated reopening.

Our Guide to Instagram Guides

Our Guide to Instagram Guides

Let’s be honest, sometimes Instagram releases a feature that you may enjoy interacting with, but can be a little trickier to implement within your own platform. Instagram’s new Guides feature, however, is so customizable in terms of content, any account can easily post their own take on Guides. They’re fun! Quick! No extensive choreography required! And the best thing about Guides is that they can be a seriously valuable resource for your community. Let’s get right to it: our guide to Guides.

2021 Social Media Image Guide and Tech Specs

2021 Social Media Image Guide and Tech Specs

One of the biggest differences between a good social media account and a great social media account comes down to one simple concept: follow through. You’ve thought about your branding and campaigns, you’ve collected your visual media, but it’s not over yet. The very necessary step to doing your hard work justice is making sure your imagery adheres to size and resolution guidelines. You know when you go to a Facebook page and the cover image is pixelated and half the text doesn’t show? That’s not gonna be you, nope, no way. While we wish we could all wave a wand and abracadabra our way to perfectly formatted images for all the varying platforms, the social media gods have a different plan in mind. Luckily we have the latest specs for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to make sure you succeed in posting the glorious, perfectly sized images you deserve.

Activate Your Online Community to Create Campaigns that Convert!

Activate Your Online Community to Create Campaigns that Convert!

Learn how to build campaigns that rally your community while promoting your business and creating brand advocates. Through strategic use of Instagram tools, you can incentivize audiences to become active participants in your campaigns, resulting in greater reach, meaningful conversations, and increased growth.

When Instagram’s latest feature, Guides, became available to all users, Simply Social Media started to experiment with how to utilize it for our community while getting some extra points with Instagram. A handy rule of thumb is that anytime a social platform releases a new feature or enhancement, they want to see your account use it. Quite often, early adopters will even be rewarded by the algorithm for testing it out.

Our @simplysantafenm Instagram account promotes and supports our local community, so we utilized the new Guides feature to highlight our community through various Santa Fe-themed Guides.

Case Study: 2019 #SeasonalSunrise Multi-Night Staycation Influencer Events

Case Study: 2019 #SeasonalSunrise Multi-Night Staycation Influencer Events

Case Study for the 2019 #SeasonalSunrise Multi-Night Staycation Influencer Events
Produced and facilitated by Simply Social Media

“I’m Totally Hooked!” Simply Social Media™ Influencer Reviews of Santa Fe DIRT Moisturizer

People trust people over brands. Which is why we asked influencers in our Simply Social Media influencer network to try Santa Fe DIRT Moisturizer a couple weeks ago and share their experiences with their followers. Since we can’t say it better than them, we won’t! Read on for more of their reviews and then use the code SFDIRTDEAL to get 25% off yours at now through October 2, 2020! (Code is for the original DIRT moisturizer, not the Tinted Moisturizer.)

Santa Fe DIRT Moisturizer includes full spectrum CBD (500mg), jojoba milk, shea butter, orchid stem-cells, hyaluronic acid, squalane, resveratrol, and CoQ10.

Boodle Body offers a veritable boodle of CBD-infused* skin care products made in Santa Fe, New Mexico that soothe, improve, and hydrate your skin.

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I’ve added a new product to my morning & night skincare routine: Boodle Body’s Santa Fe Dirt Moisturizer. 💖

I’ve been using this product for the last couple of weeks & I’m totally hooked! I love putting it on after my favorite facial serum to really lock in the moisture.
— Jade, @shorter_in_person

I have been using this product for over two weeks now, and my skin feels amazing. This moisturizer is exactly what my skin needed. It is super hydrating, absorbs exceptionally well and very soothing on my skin. I naturally have very oily skin and was afraid that there could be a chance that my skin would be left feeling or looking greasy. Nope, not at all. I have had some amazing makeup-free days since using this product. It also smells divine. ⠀
— Stephanie, @steffyskitchen

Code is good on purchase of Santa Fe DIRT (excluding the tinted version) between Wednesday, September 23 through Friday, October 2nd at 11:59pm. ⁠

I’m gonna be real with y’all. There are a LOT of CBD products out there - and I’ve tried loads of them- but this one right here is ✨SPECIAL⚡️.

I’ve been using Santa Fe DIRT for 2 weeks and my skin feels SO SOFT which is crazy because I normally have such desert dry skin living here😱. I also feel like I look way more #REFRESHED when I wake up in the morning. Self care is *so* important! We must take care of the largest organ in our body, our #SKIN!!

Santa Fe DIRT is made locally which is also important for me because I like to shop and support local whenever I can.
— Bella, @hi.desert.mama

Something I’m doing more of these days is self care. That includes a beauty routine that has become nothing short of therapeutic.

I recently added Santa Fe DIRT CBD moisturizer to my nightly routine and I’m absolutely loving the feel, the smell, and the fact that it’s a local NM company!
— Bekah, @lifewithapples

Real talk. I have struggled with my skin since puberty. Make ups, lotions, and soaps can be a set back in a matter of days. Needless to say I am very particular about the products I put on my skin, especially my face. It’s also important to me to buy local and as natural as possible. Enter @boodlebody Santa Fe DIRT full spectrum moisturizer.

DIRT is super hydrating and absorbs exceptionally well without being greasy. I’ve used it for two weeks and am noticing less blemishes- my skin feels so dewy and hydrated. Bonus? I also have TMJ and massaging the moisturizer along my jawline has soothed some inflammation.
— Jocelyn, @jocelyn.montoya

Showing my skin some love! ❤️ I started using this Santa Fe DIRT Moisturizer from @boodlebody and my skin has never been so soft and smooth. It features a luxurious jojoba milk and shea butter base and is infused with CBD (which provides so many skin care benefits).

In the past, I’ve dealt with irritated skin that makes it hard to find a good moisturizer. I’m so thankful that this little beauty solves that problem. But my favorite part is how well it controls my oily breakouts. Full spectrum CBD for the win! And how adorable is the packaging?
— Cate, @theblissfulcate
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I’m a recent New Mexico transplant and the lack of humidity has started to take a toll on my skin. I was introduced to a moisturizer called Santa Fe Dirt and have been using it the last month.

This cream is shea butter based and is infused with Full Spectrum CBD oil, jojoba oil, and Orchid stem cells, doesn’t it sound amazing? Well it is, I’ve noticed a dramatic change, my face feels so dewy, and it’s noticeably brighter too.
— Lizann, @lizannsfashionfun

Uprooting our Systems of Operation


We believe that every organization, ourselves included, should be re-evaluating our role and participation in upholding a system that does not create equal opportunities for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). Over the past couple of months we have been working with our business coach, @consciousdegenerate, to learn how to uproot our own systems of operation and help keep us accountable to be an example of how white owned organizations need to uncover the depth of a broken system. 

Steps we have and are continuing to take: 

  • Invest in Anti Bias & Anti Racist (ABAR) Training for our agency on an ongoing basis.

  • Create a mission statement to verbalize our dedication to ABAR work. 

  • Donate to BIPOC organizations in our region.

  • Re-evaluate all of our professional affiliations including:

    • Conferences where we have been asked or booked to speak.

    • Companies who have asked us to share our professional knowledge with their audiences.  

    • Companies who provide professional development opportunities, including membership sites. 

    • Companies whose programs, apps, and tools we use to run our business. 

  • Evaluate the inclusion of BIPOC on influencer platforms that we recommend so that we can give our influencer network & mastermind participants guidance about who to safely reach out to for brand deals. 

  • Actively amplify BIPOC organizations, businesses, and influencers in our region through our various platforms, including reaching outside of our current hashtags and network.

  • Continue to seek out BIPOC influencers in our region with whom to work. 

  • Continue our efforts to provide inclusive event experiences. 

  • Re-evaluate all our existing clients and contracts to ensure we are not furthering harm and damage to our community. 

  • Evaluate all potential clients before signing contracts with them to ensure they are in alignment with our company mission and values. 

These bullet points are simply the starting point in this work. We hope that these efforts will lead to meaningful dialogue and change for ourselves and others who are also committed to being a part of the solution. We all have responsibility to do this work and to create a larger impact within how we function as individuals and businesses. Will you join us in this work and how can we support you? 

As we do this work we are also inviting you to bring to our attention if our actions are not in alignment with these philosophies. We are open to doing this work in transparency.