@SimplySantaFeNM Turns 2!

@SimplySantaFeNM Turns 2!

We CANNOT BELIEVE it’s been TWO years already! Today marks the two year anniversary of #simplysantafe and we are so incredibly thankful for all of you in this community and how far we’ve come together. In the second year of curating @simplysantafenm, we have gained 10,400 followers, posted 631 times, hosted 8 InstaMeets, 7 Photo Contests, 1 Scavenger Hunt and THREE Photography Exhibitions. We also took home the title of 1st Place for @bestofsantafe Best Instagram Feed from @santafereporter (thanks to all of YOU who voted for us)! As a community, you all contributed to the 38,745 photos under the #simplysantafe hashtag since last year and showcased your amazing talent. We seriously could not do what we do without you guys and are humbled and honored to keep this going! Thank you for submitting amazing images, coming to our events, supporting our mission, and allowing us to turn our passion into an amazingly successful platform. We've never missed a day of posting, have featured a wide variety of images, videos, and photographers and hopefully we have cultivated an awareness about the power of Instagram for individuals and businesses. ✨📸✨ 

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